PUBG授権携帯ゲーム-全軍出撃(PUBG mobile)

五日の風枝を鳴らさず十日の天地くれを動かさず、底流に胸に、危機をはらむ。全世界のエリートで構成された特殊な戦隊は、陰で様々な隠れ家を消して、世界の平和を守りたい。訓練のためにと選抜して最強の特殊兵士から、各国軍と国民の中で、幾重にもふるい分けて素質は戦士で、極めて正義感の者を招待して彼らに軍事演習の指定した場所を育成特殊兵悪条件で収集偵察と野外作戦能力を目的に訓練選抜。(A time of national peace and order, simmering, threatened by growing crises. The elite teams of the global elite are secretly eliminating all kinds of hidden dangers and trying to maintain world peace. In order to train and select the most powerful special soldiers, all countries from the army and the citizens, from the army and the citizens, the selection of soldiers with the quality of soldiers, and very rich sense of justice, and invite them to the designated location of the military exercises, to train special soldiers to collect reconnaissance and field operations in bad conditions for the purpose of training selection.)


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